Commercial real estate photos have one important job to do. They need sell a property with visuals. So, one might conclude that the best time of year to take commercial real estate photos is when it comes time to sell.
Actually, when taking commercial photos it is best to take photos in a season that does not date the photo. In other words, you don’t want to take photos you might need year-round in the middle of winter.
Boston is beautiful year-round; however, scheduling commercial real estate shoots for the winter could date the picture. Fall and spring are especially beautiful in Boston and both seasons have great natural lighting.
A beautiful clear day makes for a great time to take exterior photos. If you can manage to capture the photos during the golden hour (right before sunset) you’ll end up with remarkable lighting.
Alternatively, you could opt for a time when the building is empty so the emphasis is on the building rather than the people inside or around it.
If you’re thinking about hiring a professional photographer for your corporate real estate needs, give Nikki Cole a call. With her extensive experience, she can help choose the best time to ensure your building looks its best.